kaashee vishaalaakshheem bhajEham
kaashI vishaalaakshim bhajEham
raagam: gamakakriyaa
53 gamanashramaa mEla
Aa: S R1 G3 M2 P D2 N3 S
Av: S N3 D2 P M2 G3 R1 S
taaLam: roopakam
Composer: Muttuswaamee Dikshitar
Language: Sanskrit
kASI viSAlAkshIm bhajEham bhajE SrI
kASI viSvESvara manOllAsakAriNIm
karuNArasa laharIm guruguuha viSvAsinIm
kAsIpuravAsinIm kAmita phaladAyinIm kalikalmasha
nAsinIm gandharvaghOshita gamagakriyA mOdinIm
pAsamOcanIm kapAlaSUlinIm pannagavENIm
dAsajana mukundavara pradAyinIm
I woship the goddess Sri Kasivisalakshi again and again.
She delights the mind ot Kaasi vishveshwara; she is the ever-flowing wave
of sentiment and compassion, and is the dear one of Guruguha.
She abides in the holy city of Kashi and bestows the desired boons on her
devotees. She annihilates the evil effects of the Kali age. She is
fascinated by the singing of the raga gamagakriya by the gandharvas. She
releases beings from the bondage of worldly life and sports a skull and
trident. Her long dark bracled hair resenbles a black serpent. She confers
boons on her humble devotees and Mukunda.