Legends In Carnatic Music - Free Download Carnatic and Bhajans


himadhri suthE
raagam: kalyaaNi

65 mEcakalyaaNi mEla
Aa: S R2 G3 M2 P D2 N3 S
Av: S N3 D2 P M2 G3 R2 S

taaLam: roopakam
Composer: Shyaamaa Shaastree
Language: Sanskrit


himAdrisutE pAhimAm
varadE paradEvatE


sumErumaddhya vAsini (amba)
shrI kAmAkSI

caraNam 1

hEmagAtri paNkajanEtri
jE sarOjabhava harIsha
sura munIndranutE
caraNam 2

ambujAri nibhavadanE
hArahObhamAna gaLE
bhakta kalpa latE

caraNam 3

shyAmakRSNa sOdari gauri
paramEshvari giri-
jAla nIlavENi kIra-
vANi shrI lalitE

Meaning (courtesy Savitha Kadiyala):
pallavi: Oh daughter of the Himalayas, I seek refuge in you, Oh goddess, Oh the one who blesses

anupallavi: The one who lives among the good Meru mountains, Kamakshi (I seek refuge in you)

caraNam 1: Her form shines like gold. She has lotus eyes and is the daughter of Sage MataNga. She is venerated by Brahma, Vishnu, celestials, sages, and Indra.

caraNam 2: Her face resembles the moon and her neck shines with a necklace of pearls and gems. She is the vine that grants wishes (kalpalatha) to her devotees.

caraNam 3: Oh Syama krishna’s sister, gowri, the wife of Shiva, the daughter of the mountain, the one with dark tresses, one with sweet words, lalitha (I seek refuge in you)

Bombay Sisters - himAdri sutE pAhimAm