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Raga Chikitsa :

Simply defined, Raga Chikitsa means "healing through the use of raga.” Raga Chikitsa is defined as "the knowledge of how to use raga for the purposes of healing. Fundamental features of Raga Chikitsa is the classification of the ragas based on their elemental composition (ether, air, fire, water, earth) and the proper use of the elements to balance the nature of the imbalance.

Ragas are closely related to different parts of the day acording to changes in nature and development of a particular emotion, mood or sentiment in the human mind. Music is considered the best tranqulliser in modern days of anxiety, tension and high blood pressure.

It is believed that the human body is dominated by the three Doshas – Kaph, Pitta and Vata. These elements work in a cyclic order of rise and fall during the 24 hour period. Also, the reaction of these three elements differ with the seasons. Hence it is said that performing or listening to a raga at the proper allotted time can affect the health of human beings.

Raga and its Effects

Kafi Raga  – Evokes a humid, cool, soothing and deep mood

Raga Pooriya Dhansari (Hamsanandi-Kamavardini ) –  evokes sweet, deep, heavy, cloudy and stable state of mind and prevents acidity..

 Raga Mishra Mand – has a very pleasing refreshing light and sweet touch

 Raga Bageshri  – arouses a feeling of darkness, stability, depths and calmness. This raga is also used in treatment of diabetes and hypertension

Raga Darbari (Darbari Kanada) –  is considered very effective in easing tension. It is a late night raga composed by Tansen for Akbar to relieve his tension after hectic schedule of the daily court life.

Raga Bhupali and Todi –  give treamendous relief to patients of high blood pressure.

Raga Ahir-Bhairav (Chakravakam) –  is supposed to sustain chords which automatically brings down blood pressure. 

Raga Malkauns and Raga Asawari (natabhairavi) –  helps to cure low blood pressure.

  Raga Tilak-Kamod (Nalinakanti), Hansdhwani, Kalavati, Durga(Suddha Saveri) -evoke a very pleasing effect on the nerves.

Raga Bihag, Bahar (Kanada), Kafi & Khamaj - For patients suffering from insomnia and need a peaceful sonorous sleep. Useful in the treatment of sleep disorders.

Raga Bhairavi -  Provides relief  T.B, Cancer, Severe Cold, Phlegm,  Sinus, toothache .

Raga Malhar – Useful in the treatment of asthma and sunstroke.

Raga Todi, Poorvi & Jayjaywanti  – Provides relief from cold and headache.

Raga Hindol & Marava  - These ragas are useful in blood purification.

Raga Shivaranjani –  Useful for memory problems.

Raga Kharahara Priya - strengthens the mind and relieves tension. Curative for heart disease and nervous irritablility, neurosis, worry and distress.

Raga Hindolam and Vasantha  - gives relief from Vatha Roga, B.P, Gastritis and purifies blood.

Raga Saranga  – cures Pitha Roga.

Raga Natabhairavi – cures headache and psychological disorders.

Raga Punnagavarali , Sahana  – Controls Anger and brings  down violence

Raga Dwijavanthi – Quells paralysis and sicorders of the mind

Raga Ganamurte – Helpful in diabetes

Raga Kapi – Sick patients get ove their depression, anxiety. Reduces absent mindedness

Raga Ranjani – helps to cure  kidney disorders

Raga Rathipathipriya – Adds strengh and vigor to  a happy wedded life. This 5-swara raga has the power to eliminate poverty. The prayoga of the swaras can wipe off the vibrations of bitter feelings emitted by ill will.

Raga Shanmukhapriya -  Instills courage in one’s mind and replenishes the energy in the body. Suitable for singing and listening at all times as per Sangitha Sampradaya Pradarshini written by Subbarama Deekshithar

Raga Sindhubhairavi – For a Healthy Mind and Body, Love & Happiness, Gentleness, Peace & Tranquillity ,Serenity Suitable for singing and listening at late night (1 am – 4 am)

 Raga Hameerkalyani – This particular Hindusthani coloured raaga, one with great therapeutic value relaxes tension with its calming effect and brings down BP to normal 120/80. 

Raga Brindavana Saranga – For Wisdom, Success, Knowledge , Joyfulness  and Greater Energy 

Raga Mohana –  Useful for the treatment of migraine headache. Suitable for singing and listening at evening (7 pm- 10 pm)

Ragas Charukesi, Kalyani (all time raga),Sankarabharanam(evening raga) and Chandrakauns  is considered very helpful for heart aliments 

.(Raga Charukesi - Suitable for singing and listening at all times as per Sangitha Sampradaya Pradarshini written by Subbarama Deekshithar

Raga Ananda Bhairavi- Supresses stomach pain in both men and women. Reduces kidney type problems. Controls blood pressure 

Raga Amrutavarshini – Ushana vyathi nasini ( alleviates diseases related to heat) 

Raga ReethigowlaA raga that bestows direction when one seeks it.

Raga Madhyamavati – Clears paralysis, giddiness, pain in legs/hands, etc. and nervous complaints.

The power of  musical vibrations connects in some manner all things and all beings and all beings in the universe on all plants of existence.  The human body has 72,000 astral nerves (Nadis) which incessantly vibrate in a specific rhythmic pattern. Disturbance in their rhythmic vibration is the root cause of disease. The musical notes restore their normal rhythm, there by bringing about good health.

Listen with your heart and not your intellect. 

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