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Therapeutic Evaluation of the Classical Ragas

Singing or engrossed listening of Raga Bhairavi has been found to uproot the diseases of kapha dosha e.g. asthma, chronic cold, cough, tuberculosis, some of the sinus and chest related problems etc. Raga Asavari is effective in

eliminating the impurities of blood and related diseases. Raga Malhar pacifies anger, excessive mental excitements and mental instability. Raga Saurat and raga Jaijaivanti have also been found effective in curing mental disorders and calming the mind. Raga Hindola helps sharpening the memory and focussing mental concentration. It has been proved effective in curing liver ailments.

Apart from the classical ragas played on musical instruments, the rhythmic sounds of temple bells and shankha (conch shell or bugle) produced during devotional practices have also been found to have therapeutic applications.

A research study in Berlin University showed that the vibrations of the bugle sound could destroy bacteria and germs in the surroundings. More specifically, it was found that if the shankha is played by infusing (through the mouth) twenty-seven cubic feet of air per second, within a few minutes it will kill the bacteria in the surrounding area of twenty-two hundred square feet and inactivate those in about four-hundred square feet area further beyond.

Dr. D. Brine of Chicago had treated hundreds of cases of hearing impairments/ deficiencies by making the patients play or listen to the sounds of shankha played rhythmically at appropriate (as per the case) pitch and intensity.

MUSIC THERAPY – ” For – Brain, Body & Soul "

The entire concept of Music Therapy is experimental.  For me it is a kind of YOGA,which acts upon the human organism and awakens and develops their proper functions to extent of self-realisation.

Music therapy is a scientific method of effective cures of disease through the power of music. It restores, maintains and improves emotional, physiological and psychological well being. The articulation, pitch, tone and specific arrangement of swaras (notes) in a particular raga stimulates, alleviates and cures various ailments inducing electro magnetic change in the body.

 Music is basically a sound or nada generating particular vibrations which moves through the medium of ether present in the atmosphere and affects the human body. Music beats have a very close relationship with heart beats. Music having 70-75 beats per minute equivalent to the normal heart beat of 72 has a very soothing effect. Likewise rhythms which are slower than 72 beats per minute create a positive suspense on the mind and body. Rhythms which are faster than the heart rate excite and rejuvenate the body.

History Says:

The history of Carnatic music says that the system of Mayamalava Gowlai was introduced by the blessed musician, Purandaradasar. This raga has the potency to neutralise the toxins in our body. Practising this raga in the early hours of the morning, in the midst of nature, will enhance the strength of the vocal chords.

In India, saint musician Thyagaraja is said to have brought a dead person back to life with Bilahari raaga, and Muthuswamy Dikshitar cured stomach aches with his Navagraha Kritis. In our own times Pt Omkarnath Thakur is said to have cured Mussolini of his insomnia with a song.

Kollegal.R.Subramaniam , a great musician wrote , "According to the Sangita Sastra, the 72 Melakarta Ragas control the 72 important nerves. If one sings with devotion adhering to lakshana and sruti sudhi, the Raga Devatas shower blessings, injecting the particular nerve in the human body which shall give needed relief in due course”. By singing the 72 Melakarta ragas, stomach operation can be avoided and ailment cured.


Research  has shown us that music does have  healing effects .They stimulate the brain, ease tension and remove fatigue. The effect of Music Therapy may be immediate or slow, depending upon number of factors like the subject, his mental condition , environment and the type of Music, selected for having the desired effect. Music Therapy largely depends on individual needs and taste.  Before using music as Therapy it must be ascertained which type of music is to be used. The concept of Music Therapy is dependent on correct intonation and right use of the basic elements of music. Such as notes [swara] rhytym, volume ,beats, and piece of melody. There are countless ‘Ragas’ of course with countless characteristic peculiarities of their own. . That is why we can not establish a particular Rag for a particular disease . Different types of Ragas are applied in each different case .

What is the effect of music on Brain waves?

Music with a strong beat can stimulate brainwaves to resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm and meditative state.The changes in the brain waves brings about changes in other bodily functions as well. Breathing and heart rate can be altered by music. That may be one of the reasons why listening to music promotes relaxation and prevents the effects of chronic stress.

The photo shown was taken on 25th Aug.2005. The  quartet of one- and two-day-old babies listen to classical music as part of an experimental program. Doctors at Kosice-Saca Hospital, the first private hospital in Slovakia, believe that music therapy helps newborns reduce stress and stay healthy. Shortly after birth, infants receive five 20-minute music sessions each day. Doctors found that while the tikes are tuned in, most of them fall asleep or lie quietly.

Effect of Music Therapy on Cancer Patients

It is  my deep ambition to develop music for use in  the Pain and Palliative Wards  to get  relief from PAIN . Experts say ” music reduces pain”, and  this is  a proven statement as Music  cause the body to release endorphins (hormones that counteract pain).

A Music Therapy program has the potential to improve a cancer patient’s physical and emotional well-being by providing a distraction during treatment, thus decreasing stress, pain, and anxiety levels. Eighty percent (80%) of cancer patients will sense their stress, pain, and anxiety levels decreased because they participated in Music Therapy

Carnatic Voice Care  |  Music Therapy   |   How Music Helps  |  Therapeutic in Ragas  |   Raga Chikitsa |  Remedical Music

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