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Jayadeva Ashtapathi 13 

#13 यामि हे कमिह शरणम् (Yaami He Kamiha or Kathita Samaye)

Alternate names

Yami he kamiha sharanam, Yaami he kamiha saranam, Yaami he kam iha, Yamihe kamiha, Yaamihe kamiha
Kathita Samaye, Katita samaye, Kathita samayepi, Kathitha Samayepi


Pprasarati SaSidhara bimbE
vihita vilambEcha mAdhavE vidhurA
virachita vividha vilApam
sA paritApam chakArOchchaihi||
The moon rose brightly in the sky. Radha is lamenting for her delay in meeting Krishna. She ventilated her grief to her confidante.
C 1kadhita samayEpi hari rahaha nayayau vanam
mama viphalamida mamala roopa mapi yauvanam
yAmi hE ka miha SaraNam
sakhee jana vachana vanchitam ||
Oh dear friend, Krishna has not come to Brundavana at the promissed time. What is the use of my beauty and youth? Who is there to protect me? I am deceived by others' utterences.
C 2yadanu gamanAya niSi gahana mapE Seelitam
tEna mama hrudaya mida masama Sara keelitam||yAmi||
I am tired of searching for Krishna in the forest during night. Krishna is troubling me. Cupid's arrows are piercing into my heart.
C 3mama maraNamEva varamati vitadha kEtanA
kimiti vishahAmi virahAnala machEtanA||yAmi||
Alas, if Krishna is not here, how can I endure the agony of separation? I am alone at this rendezvous. I feel that even death is better than bearing this separation helplessly.
C 4mAmahaha vidhura yati madhura madhu yAminee
kApi hari manubhavati kruta sukruta kAminee||yAmi||
Alas, how painful it is to spend this lovely night of spring without my lord. Some other lustful woman might be enjoying with him. It may be due to her piety of previous birth.
C 5ahaha kalayAmi valayAdi maNi bhushaNam
hari viraha dahana vahanna bahu dooshaNam||yAmi||
Alas, when my heart is burning with fire of separation from Krishna, I feel that my gem-studded bracelets and other ornaments, a waste.
C 6kusuma sukumAra tanu matanu Sara leelayA
sragapi hrudi hanti mAmati vishama SeelayA||yAmi||
Even flower garlands on my body are causing pain in my heart like the pain caused by Cupid's flower arrows.
C 7ahamihahi nivasAmi na vigaNita vEtasA
smarati madhusudanO mAmapi na chEtasA||yAmi||
I remain here ignoring the effect of depressing 'Vetas' trees. Krishna is unmindful of my plight.
C 8hari charaNa SaraNa jayadEva kavi bhAratee
vasatu hrudi yuvatiriva kOmala kalAvatee||yAmi||
Poet Jayadeva submits this song at the feet of Srihari. Let these sweet words remain in the hearts of devotees like a damsel adept in fine arts.

Free download udayallur Sri Kalyanarama Bhagavathar Mp3 collection Ashtapadhi 13




  1. Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna; Bhairavi Raga; ??? Tala

  2. Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam; ??? Raga; ??? Tala

  3. Nagavalli Nagaraj and Ranjani Nagaraj; ??? Raga; ??? Tala
    Starts at 1:00

Bhajans Samparathaya Style by Udayallur Sri.Kalyanaraman Bhagavathar

Sopana Sangeetham 

  1. Sung by Vaikom Sankaran Namboothiri, music by K. C. Kalyanasundaram ; ??? Raga; ??? Tala
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