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Jayadeva Ashtapathi 7: 

#7 मामियं चलिता (Mamiyam Chalita or Hari Hari)

Alternate names

Mam Iyam Calita, Maam Iyam Chalita, Maamiyam Chalita, Maam Iyam Chalitaa, Mamiyam Calita, Maamiyam Calita, Maamiyam Calitaa
Hari Hari, Harihari, Hari Hari Hata

Context and Meaning

The camera now pans to Krishna. All this while, Radha’s friend was telling her about all the fun Krishna was having without her. Turns out, it’s not quite true. It is revealed here that Radha had first seen Krishna with other gopis, and had stormed away in anger. The friend was merely amplifying her observations! This ashtapadi is in the first person, and almost reads like a dairy entry of a troubled Krishna. "Oh no, what should I do? I didn’t even stop her when she stormed away!”, he worries, and imagines a conversation he’d have with her if he met her.


SlOkamitastata tAmanusrutya rAdhikA
mananga bANa vraNa khinna manasaha
krutAnutApassa kaLinda nandinee
tatAnta kunjE vishada madhavaha || ||
Sri Krishna was hit by Manmadha's arrows and repented for causing pain to Radha. He roamed hither and thither in Brundavana for her. At last he sat sadly in a cottage by the side of Yamuna river.
C 1mAmiyam chalitA vilOkya vrutam vadhoo nichayEna
sApa rAdhatayA mayApi navAritAti bhayEna
hari hari harAtadaratayA
sA gata kupitEva||hari||
Radha has seen me playing with other Gopikas and left away in anger. As I was guilty, I was afraid of preventing her. Oh my god, she lost her respect for me. She is appearing very angry.
C 2kim karishyati kim vadishyati sA chiram virahEna 
kim dhanEna janEna kim mama jeevitEna gruhENa||hari hari||
When she is agonised with feeling of separation, what else she would do? what could she say?. What is the use of wealth , home, people and my life, if Radha is not there for me ?.
C 3chintayAmi tadAnanam kuTila bhru kOpa bharENa
SOna padma mivOpari bhramatA kulam bhramarENa ||hari hari||
I am thinking of her face only. I see excessive anger in her curvy eye brows. It is like black bees encircling beautiful red lotus.
C 4tAma hrudi sangatA maniSam bhruSam ramayAmi 
kim vanEnusarAmi tA miha kim vrudhA vilapAmi||hari hari||
Why am I wailing and searching for Radha in forest? I can make her happy because She is right in my heart.
C 5tanvi khinna masuyayA hrudayanta vAkalayAmi
tanna vEdmi kutO gatAsi natEna tEnunayAmi||hari hari ||
Oh beautiful Radha, I feel that you are annoyed with my rude behavior. Otherwise you would not have left me. I beseech and bow to you.
C 6druSyasE puratO gatAgata mEva mE vidadhasi
kim purEva sa sambhramam pari rambhaNam na dadasi kupitEva||hari hari||
I see you right before me. You are coming but disappearing. Why don't you embrace me in ecstasy as before?
C 7kshamyatA maparam kadpi ta vEdruSam nakarOmi
dEhi sundari darSanam mama manmadhEna dunOmi||hari hari||
Oh Radha, pardon me for my offence. I'll never repeat such mistake. Please appear before me. Cupid is tormenting me.
C 8varNitam jayadEva kEna harEridam pravaNEna
bindu bilva samudra sambhava rOhinee ramaNEna||hari hari||
Poet Jayadeva born in 'Bindu Bilva' lineage made his lineage glorious like the moon brightens the star-lit sky. He describes with utmost devotion, Krishna's love for Radha.

Free download udayallur Sri Kalyanarama Bhagavathar Mp3 collection Ashtapadhi 7




  1. Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna; Kharaharapriya Raga; ??? Tala
    Traditional Carnatic; Descent to the pallavi is mindblowingly brilliant

  2. Aruna Sairam; Tala
    Traditional Carnatic
    To be uploaded later — haven’t found a nice version yet(http://www.hummaa.com/music/song/maamiyam/143788#)
  3. Udayalur Kalyaranaman; ??? Raga; ??? Tala
    Carnatic Bhajan style

  4. Hindustani

    1. Pandit Raghunath Panigrahi; ??? Raga; ??? Tala
      Very slow Hindustani style, indistinct rhythm
      Gaana.com Mamiyam (new window)
    2. O. S. Arun; ??? Raga; ??? Tala
      Slightly pop-influenced Hindustani style
      Maamiyam – 7Th Ashtapadi (new window)
  5. Sopanam 

    1. Sankaran Namboothiri
      Gaana.com link
    2. ???; ??? Raga; ??? Tala

    3. Njeralath Harigovindan; ??? Raga; ??? Tala
      Strong percussion and accent

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